JAHN GmbH Umform- u. Zerspanungstechnik
Im Grund 1-9
99897 Tambach-Dietharz
Commercial register:
HRB 106495, Amtsgericht Jena
Authorised representatives:
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dieter Jahn
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Andreas Jahn
Tel.: 03 62 52/ 4 64 – 0
Fax: 03 62 52/ 4 64 – 16
Mail: info@jahngmbh.de
Web: www.jahngmbh.de
Tax ID:
Sales tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a of the Sales Tax Act: DE 157594704
Responsible for content according to Section 55 Paragraph 2 RStV: Dieter Jahn (address as above)
Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages.
Conception, design, implementation and technical support:
Okon Schwarz GmbH
Marcel Krummrich
Umform- und Zerspanungstechnik
Im Grund 1-9
99897 Tambach-Dietharz
Phone: +49 36252/ 464 – 0
E-mail: info@jahngmbh.de
Our headquarters (Im Grund 1) with several conference rooms is available for visits.
Contact us for a joint appointment using our contact form.